Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yep, he is my brother!


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and I love him! 

Cabin Day!


Ruthie is off this week so I had Tuesday off and we went to the cabin.    My best friend from high school was able to join us with her 4 ADORABLE kids as well. 

IMG_2210 IMG_2212    IMG_2220IMG_2223Auntie Steph with some sleepy girls….. IMG_2216

At the end of the day Emma asked if we could live at the cabin….oh how I wish we could sweetheart! 

Lola Kate!


The majority of the summer has been spent anticipating the arrival of Max’s little sister.   Miss Lola Kate arrive on Friday and we are so in love with our new little neighbor!

IMG_2186 I think her big brother and cousin are too! 


We did a little decorating to welcome her home as well…..



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Congrats to Erik and Katie and big brother Max! 



So what do you do when the coffee table breaks?   If you are Emma you ask to make a fort!  



Silly girl!  : )


Norah decided she was too cool….


mmmm… watermelon




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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Toy Story 3


For those of you who have seen the movie the post below will make sense…..


So I took the girls to see Toy Story 3 on Friday and Emma loved it!   I found out last night just how much she was paying attention when I was packing up some toys to put in storage and she started to cry and tell me that she didn’t want her toys to “go to college”.   After calming her down we agreed that most could be put away for later but there was one doll she insisted stay at home with her.  : )

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Girls Weekend


Well Daddy is gone for his annual weekend up at House’s cabin so it’s just the ladies.   I took the girls to the lake and my cousins were there with the kids too!   We had 6 kids under the age of 4.  It was glorious chaos.  : )

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Soren, Alexandra, Reinhold, Norah, Emma and Marissa!   The best 2nd cousins in the world.  xoxoxoxoxoxox

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Weekend


Wow,  what a great weekend!  I started it off by taking the girls out to my Grandparents cabin.  They got to see Grandma waterski…

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Yes, she got up on the first try!

Then an afternoon of relaxing and playing…..

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Naps at the cabin are the best!


Then Saturday we went to our friends for a BBQ.   Sometime I think my girls are part fish…they love the water.

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On Sunday I made the mistake of telling Emma in the morning we were going to fireworks.  She asked when were were leaving ALL DAY.   Good news is they loved them!


Happy 4th of July!