Friday, July 29, 2011

Fun at the Cabin


Some of my best memories were at the cabin in Buffalo.   A lot of swimming and playing.   Now it is fun to see my girls and my cousins kids making similar memories out there together.   I love that we can spend an afternoon during the week here now.   I am so blessed to be home with these ladies.  

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Grandma Kate holding Olivia. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Life at home


With Olivia’s arrival life changed for us in many ways.  Besides another sweet life to cherish I am also home with my girls everyday.   So far it has been everything I could have asked for.   It had been a goal for me to be home with the kids and I am so glad it has worked out.    Here are some photos of the girls that bless me everyday.

IMG_4661 A campout in the living room after breakfast.


Playing in the rain.


And Olivia’s specialty,  sleeping….


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Emma’s new bike!


Emma got a new bike last weekend.  She looks so big riding it now!   With each day I am realizing that our little girl isn't so little anymore.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July


Our neighbor Rick got a few fireworks for the 4th and seeming Olivia was a bit too small to attend a big show we had to make do with these this year.  The girls thought they were pretty cool. 

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Then we had a bonfire with smores.   It was a great day. 

Friday, July 1, 2011



Emma and Norah love their little sister so much.   They would hold her all day long if I would allow it. 

