Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011


I really like Halloween now that I have kiddos to dress up.  This year we had a Pirate Princess (Emma had to keep it girly so she added the princess), Witch and Cow.   The girls had a blast this year!

IMG_1614 IMG_1615Decorating cupcakes with friends. IMG_1617  IMG_1622 IMG_1623

Most of the kiddos (a few babies and Wyatt are missing) in costume after the cupcakes were done.  IMG_0575  IMG_0587 IMG_0596

Liv and her cousin Amalie who is just a couple months younger than she is.



   This year he let the girls pick the designs.  We have Wall-E, a traditonal face and one that Emma drew and Mike cut out…. a smiley face with a flower.   The girls had fun carving this year.

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Happy Halloween from Emma, Norah and Olivia

Monday, October 24, 2011

Just your daily dose of adorable!


IMG_0530Someone likes to play with reading glasses at Grandma’s house.  

Thursday, October 20, 2011

If you are good….


So when we make a trip to Costco the girls typically get a deal that if they are good and help me they can get a churro to share when we leave.   Can you tell who was good and who wasn’t?


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall Harvest Orchard


We found a great new place to visit in the fall this year!   It is called Fall Harvest Orchard and I tool the girls there once with my Mom and we had such a great time we went back with Daddy the next weekend!   I loved how you could get up close with the animals and the tractor ride is not only fun but they give the kids a great lesson on plants and harvesting them on the ride.    We will be back here every fall…..IMG_1582

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Emma!


Dear Emma,

It seems like just yesterday I heard Daddy say “ it’s a baby girl” and now you are 5!  What a precious gift you are to our family.   You sweet caring heart, curiosity of words and numbers and helpfulness with your sisters is such a blessing.    Emma,  we love you to the moon and back!


IMG_1557 One of the neighbor lady’s really likes our Emma and brought this to her the day before her birthday.  It was really nummy. 


IMG_1567Here are the birthday girls.  Emma really didn’t want a cake for her birthday,  instead asked Grandma for an apple pie!  IMG_1547

Here they are enjoying her pie in the tent!  : )

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Family Photos


In past years we would do family photos with my brother and his family for my Mom when there was an added child to the family and this year (seeming we added Liv) she asked if we could do them as a big group.   Here are just a few of them.

Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (8) Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (13)  Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (28)  Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (31) Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (32) Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (34) Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (38) Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (39) Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (45) Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (47) Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (49) Copyright 2011 Cami Thomassen Photography (14)

Fall is my favorite time of year and all of these were taken at my Mom and Dad’s place.   We were so blessed to have great weather and colors on this day.   Oh and the cooperation of the kids was an added bonus!  : )

Thursday, October 6, 2011



I am so glad that my girls get to be with thier cousins as much as I did when we were little.  I love this photo that we took at the Pink Street Party event we all went to in honor of my Mom. 

