Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve


I love Christmas eve and the meaning of the night.   Since becoming a Mom I think alot about the night Jesus was born,  what it must have been like for a young, scared, first time Mom to deliver in a stable.   What was her labor like?   I like to hope that being she carried the savior God gave her an easier delivery.   Was he a happy baby?   A few questions I will get answered someday. 

We started the festivities at Church in the afternoon where Emma’s Sunday school class gave a performance and Emma did a great job saying her bible verse and then singing Away in a Manger,  O Come All Ye Faithful, and Joy to the World with the class.  I was a very proud Mom.   Afterwards it was off to see family.  We spend Christmas eve with Mike’s side and the girls loved going to Kaitlyn and Kyle’s house to play.

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