Sunday, May 16, 2010

Girls Weekend!


This weekend Daddy went fishing so it was just the girls for the weekend and we sure did have fun!   We started by spending Friday evening at Grandma and Papi’s house. 


Norah wanted to hug all the flowers….IMG_1167 

While Emma smelled each one……IMG_1170


Then on Saturday we got to babysit Reinhold for  awhile.   He got there when the girls were napping so they were very excited when they woke up and I had this adorable little guy in my arms!


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They both wanted to hold him all afternoon!  Norah had lots of hugs and kisses for him too.


Grandma Jan added more fun to our girls weekend when she had a sleepover on Saturday night…. too bad Emma decided to get a small case of pink eye.   We had to miss church but went to park later that day instead!

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Then it was time to go home and do some planting and enjoy the awesome Sunday afternoon….

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Erik is trying to show Norah where the birdies nest is….


We also have some goslings in our pond… they decided to come up and poop on the lawn take a nap.  : )

We had a fun weekend but Mom is VERY glad that Daddy is back home.  

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