Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother’s Day Weekend!


What a great Mother’s Day!   The best part was that Mike was home this year!   Typically he is gone for opening fishing but this year they didn’t fall on the same weekend.    We had a great time.   Saturday we had a laid back morning,  Emma played dress up (she even got Maggie involved,  not sure what the medal was for!) and Norah decided to show off her silly faces.

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Then we went to the Family Spring Fling in Maple Grove and the girls had a blast.

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They loved seeing all the animals and feeding the goats.  


On Sunday I was able to sleep in and was given the best wake up call by the girls with handmade cards and a gift certificate to my favorite salon!   It was a great lazy morning (yep, we skipped church this one weekend)

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I just love these girls to pieces!  

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